The finest training available for your dog

Your dog deserves training that suits your needs and achieves your goal. Gary Wilkes offers a customizable program that allows you to priortize the training. You are the boss. You select what you want your dog to know to be obedience, attentive and polite. 

There is a trend in any service to give customers, not what they want, but what the trainer  offers. That isn't how Gary Wilkes designed his service. After eight years in the humane industry (and literally thousands of people surrendering their dogs to him) He knows what dogs need to become healthy, happy, polite and obedient members of the family. 
  1. Puppy Training
    Puppies can be a joy or a nightmare. There is a logical sequence to getting a puppy off to a good start - housetraining is critical as is stopping puppies from putting teeth on people and other objects.
  2. Lack of control
    How would you like to stop your dog's front-door insanity in a single session? Does your dog jump on guests and pester them constantly? Does your dog grab food from your plate and leap into your lap, uninvited?
  3. Destructive behavior/ Separation Anxiety
    Many dogs are destructive. Sometimes its for fun and sometimes its because they panic when left alone
  4. Aggression to people and other animals.
    Aggression is a natural dog behavior. They all have the capacity to use their teeth. This is often a death-sentence. Controlling aggression is not a skill common to most dog trainers. It requires special knowledge. .
  5. Competition Training
    Most dog-sport training is dependent on traditions and hearsay. My methods transcend conventional training, regardless of the type of sport or competition - conformation, agility, obedience, hunting and everything in between.
  6. Working Dogs - training for dogs and training for handlers
    My experience with working dogs dates back 30 years. I have been fortunate to work with virtually every aspect of working tasks: Service dogs, sporting dogs, competition dogs and police and military applications.
  7. Safe Handling for groomers, kennel and veterinary staff
    After eight years working in shelters I learned how to handle difficult and dangerous dogs. I have never been bitten and have never turned away from a difficult dog. This skill is not taught as a prerequisite for working with dogs. I offer safe-handler training to all forms of professional dog handlers.
  8. Neurological disorders - OCD, Pica, deafness, blindness, mobility issues
    I have more than 25 years experience working with a veterinary neurological clinic with dogs that have traumatic and organic neurological problems. If your animal displays behaviors that may have a neurological origin, I am familiar with confirming that a medical solution is necessary. However, I have often fixed things with purely behavioral solutions that were assumed to be in the realm of drug therapy.